Growth Groups

Growing in God's Word. Growing with each other.

What is a Growth Group

Growth groups are our form of Sunday school or small group Bible study. We have chosen the name growth group because we want to intentionally communicate the purpose of these groups: to grow. We know that when we come together to study God's Word, growth in our relationship with the Lord and in our relationships with others will be the natural result.

Our desire is that every member of First Baptist Church Stockdale is plugged in and growing.

Available Growth Groups



This group is for our youngest and we love having them! You can find our nursery in the hallway in the main building.


This group can be found in the main hallway in the main building.

1st-3rd Grades

This group meets upstairs in the main building.

4th-5th Grades

This group meets in the first room on the right in the fellowship hall. It is also open to 6th graders if they would like to attend this group.


The youth (6th-12th grades) meet as one combined group together upstairs in the main building. This group is led by Palmer, our youth pastor, and his wife, Katy.


Young Adult Group

This group is for adults between 18-30 something years old and meets in the fellowship hall. It is the second door on the right as you enter the fellowship hall.


This is an open group to men and women of all ages and meets in the fellowship hall in the curtained room on the right.

Home Builders

This group is for "younger" couples that might have children in the home, although we realize that not every couple has children. This group meets upstairs in the main building.

Wisdom Seekers

This group is for "older" individuals whether you are a couple or single of the age that you might already have grown children out of the home. However, we realize not everyone has had children. This group meets in the fellowship hall in the curtained room on the left.


This group is for women. Mainly senior adult women attend this group. This group meets downstairs in the main building.